Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Black Star Power....Yeah Right!!

Once upon a time BET was the heat and a station I could actually respect as a voice for black people. Back when BET wasn't owned and ran by white people. Now don't get me wrong, I have no issue with white people, I just believe that they can't speak for blacks. You can't tell a story you haven't experienced or seen. What happened to Teen Summit, Tavis Smiley and Midnight Love. Now we Uncut and rip offs of MTV shows...PLUH-EASE!! How could you get rid of such great shows? Even 106 and Park which started off great is now GARBAGE. You used to have host you could respect now you have Rocsi....enough said. First you replaced Midnight Love with Uncut now it's whatever show or movie you can buy for as little as possible! And I guess black people don't really like the news right? That's why you got rid of the nightly news and replaced it with 30 sec sound clips every once in a while. It's sad....I even miss Cita, at least I got to see the entire video back then.

I mean, I have no problem with the station growing and expanding but at what expense. Bladwin Hills is nothing but the black version of Luguna Beach. It feels so fake and scripted that I can't really get down with it. Blackbuster movies are almost always the worst: Uncle P, Soul Plane, etc. I mean I have no real problem with getting shows from other stations but to fill up the entire day with them is...sad. But I will admit that I love some College Hill and Keyshia Cole despite the fact that both show black people at their worst half of the time. As far as Harlem Heights goes, the jury is still out but the people do seem very fake and script...IDK.

Can we either change the name of the station of bring back some of the goodness? Stop creating pseudo thugs and booty shaking girls. I would like to enjoy BET again and for the station to really be black star power.

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